Essential Oils

Essential Oils are something I use EVERY DAY.  I have been using and learning about essential oils for over 5 years and they have so many uses in every room of the house.

I diffuse them in the kitchen and cook with them, too.  I apply them Printtopically on my kids, myself, and my husband for emotional support, or when we have a fall and scrape,  worked out too hard, or need a good night’s sleep.  I use them to keep bugs out of the house.  I make homemade bug spray, sunscreen, body butter and more all which smell great and are non-toxic.  I diffuse them at our real estate office and in my kids’ rooms.  I add them to my tea or glass of water.

They can provide all kinds of support inside our bodies with whatever we are experiencing and emotional support, too.

Essential Oils are an INVESTMENT.  I started with a small few and built my stash over the past five years.  There are still more I want to try.  Before I decided on a brand, I did my research and decided that Young Living offered a superior quality and wide product base, as well as a large network of very knowledgeable distributors that can offer so much support and essential oil expertise.  I decided to purchase a premium starter kit which allowed me to be a wholesale member – so I get wholesale prices all year long on all YL products.  And let me tell you about my sponsor, Robin.  She is awesome, amazing, supportive and always there for ANY type of question I ever have.  I have learned so much from her.

One thing that really impressed me is the fact that Young Living owns ALL it’s own farms.  It grows EVERY single plant that goes into it’s essential oils on it’s farms around the world.  The plants in the these oils grow in the climate/environment that’s most natural to them.  Young Living has a “Seed to Seal” promise – which means they are the ones who run every step of the process – growing and cultivating, harvesting, distilling, packaging, and getting them to your doorstep.

Essential oils are not effectively regulated in this country.  Many drugstore brands are not pure and have other ingredients (sometimes toxic) in them.  It’s important to choose a pure, therapeutic grade brand.

To look at Young Living’s product line, click HERE.

To look at the starter kits/wholesale membership, click HERE.

love talking to people about essential oils, so if you have any questions – please ask!  You can always message me on Facebook or e-mail me

