Recipe – Green Smoothie

pexels-photo-434234.jpegHere’s a great morning pick-me-up!  Green smoothies are a great part of breakfast that will kick start your morning.

For ONE serving:

  • 1/2  cup frozen strawberries
  • 1/2 cup frozen peaches
  • 1 scoop greens powder (like this)* OR 1-2 cups fresh spinach or kale
  • 5 drops stevia OR honey to taste
  • 1/4 – 1/2 cup water

Blend all ingredients in a blender or bullet until smooth.  These end up being more pink/peach colored than green, but the good stuff is in there!

Other awesome things you can add in are:  Natural Calm* (for magnesium), yogurt, or any other liquid or oil supplement you regularly take.

I have been doing this smoothie a few times a week instead of our regular breakfast and it’s been great.  This, along with a bulletproof coffee (I am not a butter-in-coffee person – I use Brain Octane Oil from Whole Foods), carries me into the afternoon with no low blood sugar or crashes.

I also make this smoothie for my kids and hide some of their supplements in it that way (including the greens, of course) and even my pickiest eater approves!




(*this post contains Amazon affiliate links)