Tuesday Tea – Kava

Today I’m drinking Yogi Kava Stress Relief tea.  This tea is relaxing and mild, but it’s great with just a little sweetener.  I use Stevia, but honey would be great, too!

If you haven’t heard of Kava, you’re not alone.  My amazing little sis sent me an article about Kava and it’s supposed benefits a few weeks ago (because she is img_7848my encyclopedia….my librarian, my ask-her-and-she-knows-the-answer gal).  So, of course I had to search Pinterest and find some info – and then find some tea!

Kava is a plant grown in the South Pacific.  It is used mainly as a social drink (kind of like alcohol, but with no addictive or “hangover” effect or other impairments) that has a relaxing effect and may help reduce stress and help with a restful night’s sleep.  Kava is prepared by mixing the ground, fresh kava root with water and then straining it.  In fact, Kava bars that serve different varieties of Kava concoctions are popping up around the U.S. lately.  We don’t have one in Memphis yet, but we do have one in Greenville, SC that I plan on visiting with all my sisters very soon.

This Kava tea is NOT a traditional Kava drink because it is dried Kava root extract with some other herbs and ingredients in a mesh tea bag.  However, I find this tea very relaxing and enjoyable.  I brought some to my big sis, and she is enjoying it, as well.  Worth a try!

