tuesday tea & tally – AND a recipe!

Hi, beauty!

My herbal tea pick of the week is one of my favorites of all time.  Harney & Sons Hot Cinnamon Spicepexels-photo-291531.jpeg is one I drink almost every day.  It smells and tastes amazing – and, it’s one of those that you would never need any sweetener in because it’s perfect just as it is.  It’s my favorite before bedtime to wind down.  I really look forward to it every day!

This week started off on a good note – I am challenging myself this week to stay on top of the laundry and not have piles waiting to be folded after 8pm.  So far, so good.  I think sticking to a laundry schedule is going to help a lot because it’s the one chore that really drags me down sometimes.

We’re also doing green smoothies this week!  I was able to sneak supplements into my kids smoothies today – extra vitamin C, cod liver oil, magnesium, probiotic, and greens powder.  I made them with frozen peaches and strawberries and they were so good!  We’ve been using THIS but you can always just add some spinach or kale with your fruits of choice.  We did some stevia drops today, but sometimes we use honey.

We’re really working hard to keep a rigid protocol for my son at home with the above supplements, detox baths, essential oils, screen-time diet, etc.  (read my post about this HERE).  Yes, it’s a protocol formulated by ME and I’m not a doctor.  But we are at the beginning of this journey and we take one step at a time.  We DO see improvements already.  I’ve seen testimonials of kids recovering from ADHD and Autism – and I want that for him.  We may see a functional medicine doctor or get food sensitivities testing done in the future.

You guys, my Ninja broke this week!  It’s very tragic because one of my favorite snack recipes is this Asiago cheese ball.  We do skip the nut and parsley coating and just scoop it right from the food processor to a bowl.  We also use sour cream instead of greek yogurt.  It’s so tasty and you can spread it on some gluten-free crackers or dip carrots, celery or cucumbers in it.   Try it and let me know what you think – I will get recipe cards up on the blog soon so you can print right from here!

Have an AWESOME Tuesday!

