My goals in this journal…

Hello, lovely!

I wanted to share the goals I have set for this online journal…

I have spent a lot of time researching health and wellness for my family.  Chasing around 3 pre-school aged kids, I want to feel my best.  I want my husband to feel his best, too – he manages two businesses and has many other irons in the fire.  And my kids – they deserve the best I can give them – I want them to be well.  Not just to avoid getting sick, but to be truly healthy.  Healthy brains, healthy guts, healthy heart, etc etc.

The cool things is…I can make this HAPPEN!  We can use our diet and control our environmental factors to optimize health and this journal is my way of documenting what I’m learning.  And if I can help another woman/mom/family, that’s great, too!

I hope to share recipes, household tips and tricks, book reviews and such on a regular basis, as well as the science behind having a healthy body and real-food diet.

I look forward to sharing!
